Saturday, 30 November 2013

#2014 Blogger Challenge

Hey guys I will be taking part in #2014BloggerChallenge made by Gaby from
Anyone can get involved it doesn't matter what your blog is about. The challenge is to write twice a month one post on the 1st week and the second post on the 3rd week. Gaby will send everyone involved the topic we have to write about and it could be anything. 
The good thing about this is it encourages you to write about things you wouldn't normally write about. You could also make friends with fellow bloggers and will bring you more blog traffic.
If you want to take part just go HERE

Ruth x

Christmas wishlist

Hi guys sorry I haven't posted in a while I have been really busy will college and I haven't really had anything to blog about. But now its less than a month away from Christmas I think its the time to do a wishlist. Of course a lot of these things I'm not going to get but I can dream.
I saw this parka from Topshop in Zoella's Autumn and winter haul and I loved it. So I looked it up and saw that it was £95.00 and I just don't have that kind of money so I am getting it for Christmas instead.
I have always wanted a Naked palette since I saw the first one watching a you tube video a couple of years back. Then I got a dupe of it not that long ago and yes the real thing would be better but if I already have the colours what is the point. So I am hoping I can get the Naked 2 Palette. I would like the Naked 3 palette but has not yet been released in the UK.

Benefit Groovy Kind-a love set has most of the things I have wanted from benefit, I also really like all the neutral shades of eye shadows.
These leggings are from Zara. I love the zip detail and they look really comfy.

These are a few things that I want for Christmas I hope you enjoyed this post and maybe this will give you some ideas on what you want.
Look out for my review on Maxfactor facefinity 3in1 foundation which I will hopefully be posting soon.
 Ruth x

Sunday, 3 November 2013

AAAHHHHH Breakouts HELP please

Hi guys this isn't a normal blog post but I need help.Recently I have had so bad breakouts of spots and I hardly every get breakouts and it is mostly on my forehead which is normally really clear.
Can anyone recommend some good products that help get rid of spots, control the spots or prevent anymore from coming. As I'm on a budget, drugstore products are preferred but if I have to I will invest in a high end product if it works.
Comment down below if you have any recommendations for me

Please can you help.

Ruth x